Dial Before you Dig

A New Era for Dial Before You Dig

Insight by COSOL /

It’s been more than 30 years since a punctured gas pipeline in Western Australia and the narrow escape of the bulldozer operator highlighted the need to better protect Australia’s vast underground asset network.

The resulting Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) program has become a trusted go-to service for asset owners and contractors. It protects more than $340 billion of infrastructure, covers more than 740,000km and plays a vital role in preventing utility strikes, which can cause expensive damage, widespread inconvenience and, in some situations, threaten the health and safety of workers.

With a variety of clients maintaining underground assets, our Location Team is often engaged in better integrating with DBYD with works and asset management processes. DBYD have recently announced a digital transformation program which we anticipate will introduce further opportunities to automate processes and improve the quality and accuracy of location data.

Utility Magazine recently explored this new phase for DBYD, which is set to expand its application across digital platforms to provide an even more extensive service.

Read the full article here

New era for Australia’s iconic dial before you dig program – Utility Magazine