A 20-page eBook that looks at how transport infrastructure enterprises can best harness their existing data.
There are many challenges facing Australia's transport infrastructure from costly manual inspection methods to outdated maintenance processes. The need to keep pace with a large number of concurrent projects remains the sternest challenge.
Many enterprises already have access to the data that is embedded in their systems and processes. An asset information ecosystem enables these enterprises to harness the data they need to make critical asset management decisions, contribute to improving asset lifespan and, in turn, provide a greater return on infrastructure asset investment.
In this eBook:
- The challenges of managing assets in transport infrastructure
- How the transport sector positively impacts economic growth
- The advantages of asset information ecosystem
- Strategies that can optimise the infrastructure asset lifecycles
- Harnessing technologies such as IoT and EAMaaS to maximise asset performance
- How intelligent machine learning and predictive modelling drives operational efficiencies
- How COSOL helped Australia’s largest transport infrastructure project - WestConnex achieve operational efficancies.
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